Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Friend...

On a dreadful, lonely day,
I was crossing the bridge to the other side of the bay...

Cursing my friend for deserting me,
"On the thorny bridge, at least he could have offered company !"

Thank God ! The bridge was rocky no more,
It had flowers strewn all over the floor...

"I'm grateful god!" I prayed on my way,
For making me realise the truth of the day...

Never depend on friends, they're not meant to be,
The path was bettered only because devotion was in me...

So still thinking that I would not be like my friend,
I continued my journey right till the end...

But the sight at the other side left me shocked
Tired and tattered stood my friend, looking completely knocked...

"How was your journey? I tried my best ,
sorry couldn't find more flowers", he said in a jest...

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged my friend,
Feelings of guilt and self pity all followed trend...

God loves me, he had just proved,
By giving me the most precious friend who stood...!

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